Entrevista con Julian Ceballos

EXPANDING THE BRAND - Squishmallows Transmedia Campaign Presentation

La Frontera Pitch


Daily Deals Holiday Edition 


The Pittsburgh Card Show Days 1-3!

2021 Dawn of Majesty - MAJESTIC UNBOXING!

King's Court GODLY Unboxing!!!

This is a social media and press release writing assignment, designed to show how you can make a consistent message between two different forms of communication.

Turkey Trot Press Release and Social Media Campaign

Hip New Jersey - Billy Bossa of All Out Vinyl & Apparel

Hip New Jersey - Christine Allen Mo’Pweeze Bakery

This is a press release writing assignment, designed to show how you can communicate effectively for a business or client.

Insomnia Cookies Press Release

Hip New Jersey - The Jess Press

Round2Detailing Promo

Round2Detailing Promo Video


Tonight, my hand in yours

my eye, black and blue

like a swollen berry

ripe for the picking

held comfortably

in your hand

your bracelet, glared

the sunset, reflecting

our many moods

The streetlight

flickers on

following the sun

set, as it rises

the warmth of your embrace

heart beating, blood pulsing

like small paint splatters

on a cardboard canvas

without it thinning


I swell like an apple

bruised and beaten

from the forest, falling

into nature's warm embrace

feeling a sudden coolness

the fresh dew, after a long drought

coming now and new, as a rainstorm

without the damaging touch of man

your nurturing touch, a warm embrace

Lying here

seemingly forever

time ticks on, but

this embrace lasts

like the growing grass

on the front lawn

small green fibers

constantly growing, despite

oppressive impressions


under the cool shade

of tall trees, suffocating

without realizing

like mice, trapped in the wall

Dusty, and cramped

forever following

the light of life

inevitably, falling

like the warm rain

drizzling, summer's night

warm, dark, and cool

refreshing water

Back in the forest

smelling the wet dirt

inhabiting the air, everywhere

stepping on the fallen

wet berries


the little noises, gushing

open, like a water balloon

streaming down

the side of my face


like fire, warm

But messy, leaving

behind a trail

Crimson Red

running down the creek

Copper water

the taste of life

and death

awaiting the seasons' turn

My hand in yours

all the night

all the while, the spinning

stops, the earth stands still

your shadow, covering me

like a lunar eclipse

darkening, silently


I collapse, into

warm branches, desperately

holding me close

like a fallen bird, feathers

entangled in its own wings

the healing touch of nature, like

mother, warm and loving

the earth stops, the sun

rises, the moon, sets

Lying here, in the dew

of the lawn, comfy

like a meadow, in

your arms, concussed

but conscious

I see you, finally

your teary eyes

your sudden smile

I love you

Silence of the Black Lamb

With every second that passes, I find myself getting all the more anxious, time seems to have stopped altogether, but with every car zooming by I am reassured that it hasn't. Everything has gone wrong this morning, immigration almost sent me back to the states, my backpack was stolen, the car I rented has a flat, and I'm feeling ill. I can't let this journey be for nothing, I've come too far and worked too hard to lose everything. But as I stand here, corrupted with anxiety and nausea, I feel a sudden burst in my chest. I can't tell whether I'm actually feeling pain, or if it's all in my head. It feels all too real, with every breath I take, it seems as if my lungs are about to collapse.

Everything that's happening at this moment, everything that has lead up to this moment, I can't let it be in vain. My legs want to collapse, but my mind is telling them to stay in place. This feels like an eternity, I don't want to continue, but I don't want to return. I want this moment to last forever, yet I want it to end immediately as well. Every passing second is ripping away at me, and making me question my sanity. Why did I come here? I know the answer, but like a shy kid in school, I wonder if it's wrong. Just go, I've been working for this my entire life. I know, but I don't know if I'm good enough. And with that answer, the voices in my head fell silent. For a second, I thought that I finally had control, but it was immediately lost to him. He'd always find a way back, returning as a wolf in sheep's clothing. Praying that I was rid of him, but he always found a way to escape the cerebral cell. Carefully planting seeds of doubt and insecurity, patiently waiting for them to sprout and free him of his captivity. He was the black lamb born in head, and his impurity is what has my mind tainted. Like a puppet master, pulling the strings of my thoughts, he had control. Unbelievable, I lost control of myself to myself. Ever since then, the night mother and father passed, with their death, came his birth. I stood on the very stones that ran with my parents’ blood, but I didn't feel sad, I wasn't full of rage. I was empty, he buried my feelings, hiding my true self. Any sane person would think that I was alone that night, but he was with me, taking control of my mind for the first time, he spent that night learning every secret of his new home. That night he spoke for the first time, speaking in my voice, saying, I look forward to breaking you. He wants to break me, he wants to break us.

Why are you even here? You've failed at everything else, do you honestly believe that you can convince them to take you? You're the biggest fool I've ever seen. Not only are you giving up, but you can't even muster up the courage to try. I have officially lost what little respect for you I had. You should be ashamed of yourself, just turn back now. There's no point in continuing if you're not confident enough, but what could I have expected from you, you're a quitter. Just do us all a favor and give up on everything, you know you'll never amount to anything. Trust me. After all, I am the only logical one in here.

Maybe he's right, maybe I am a quitter. I always find an excuse, even if I don't want to. It seems to always find me, a new way to give up on new opportunities, a new way to ensure that my life stay as miserable and boring as it has been for years now. I shouldn't bother them, they only want the best, and they deserve it. They've worked for years now to ensure that they only get the best, because that's their unofficial slogan, "the best deserve the best, and nothing less". They want the Elites, and only the Elites, nothing more, nothing less, only the best.

I've worked so hard, but now I can see it. He was right, I'm not Elite. They don't want me, but I still want to be there, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with that, and there's nothing wrong with me. All I want is a taste of what I worked for. I have nothing left to sell them, I've given them everything that was asked of me, and then some. I want a sign, but I know I'm right. For once in my life, I know. I believe, I believe in myself. I don't need to assess the situation anymore. I don't need the courage that comes in the form of Gin. I'm not going to be the low speaker in my conversation, not anymore. This eternity has ended, and a new one will begin.

With every second that passes, I can grow stronger, I grow more confident. This is my rebirth, this is the beginning of a new era. I have finally returned to reality, I need to fulfill my destiny, I'm going to destroy the dynasty of doubt, and finally reach Nirvana. I'm ready, all that stands in my way is the wait to cross the street. Today, I will cross that street and sweep them off their feet. All I have to do is cross the street.

My Dear Alice

It was a Thursday afternoon when I first caught a glimpse of you. Feeding the birds scraps of your sandwich, you had the most beautiful smile running across your face. I wish I would have asked for more than just directions. That was the greatest minute of my life, and I'm glad I stayed across the pond. I had the perfect view of you as you sat on the bench reading about your adventures in Wonderland. I hope that I didn't make you late for tea as a result of my question, my apologies for not knowing the directions to the pond. I know that I only asked "which way", but I hope that next time I fall down the rabbit hole and run across you. You have a beautiful smile, and I'm ecstatic that I made you giggle at the sight of my hat. It was weird looking one, aged yet new, but it was my hat, I would have loved to fit you with a hat that would compliment your lovely blonde hair, maybe one day. You're beauty has me mad, it's driving me crazy. Maybe one day I will see you again. I hope you'll recognize this mad hatter, dressed in only a hat, vest, dark pants, and covered in tattoos, one of which is a stopwatch inked on my right wrist. That one seemed to catch your attention, were you perhaps checking the time, or at least trying to? I hope I didn't make you late for tea. I'll be walking the round at the park every afternoon, maybe next time I can come over for tea Alice.

Three Card Monty


We see a man sitting quietly in a dimly lit room at a table twiddling his thumbs. In front of him are a deck of cards and a map of the city. He waits patiently in the dim room as he awaits his interrogator.

DET. XAVIER walks in reading a file folder. 


(expressionless and looking blankly at the table) Ya know it’s rude to not address a person when walking into a room. 

Xavier ignores Monty and continues to read the folder while circling him 


(jokingly) I like your pantsuit detective. Where’d ya get it? Nordstrom? Macys? No, wait! Was it Kohls? 

Xavier sits down across from Monty and continues reading 


(cont’d) (mockingly) What’s the problem X?! Not a fan of small talk? 

Xavier puts the folder down and blankly stares at Monty 


(cont’d) (angrily) Just because I’m chained up here doesn’t mean you can ignore me! 

Xavier grabs the map from the table.


(sternly) Monty. Where is it? 


(excited) Ohhh!! I knew I’d getcha to say something! (laughing) The only problem is, I have no idea what you’re talking about. 


You know damn well what I’m talking about. 


(cluelessly) Nope! All you did was ask where "it" is, until you define what "it" actually is, I’m afraid I’m completely useless... 


(angrily) Where is the dirty bomb?!

Xavier slams the map down in front of Monty. 


(excited) Now we’re getting somewhere! (laughing) Unfortunately, detective, I can’t tell you that. It’d be too easy. I mean, after all, isn’t half the fun of domestic terrorism striking terror?! 


There are people’s lives at stake! How can you possibly be happy about this?! 


(mockingly) Um, I’m a terrorist, that’s kinda my job. Clearly, you’re not very good at yours X. 


(exhausted) Fine. What do you want? 

Monty holds his handcuffs up and Xavier removes them. 


(rubbing his wrists) Now isn’t that better? Monty grabs the deck of cards, removes the deck and starts shuffling it.


(cont’d) (shuffling cards) I’ll tell ya what kid, you seem like a nice girl. How about we play a game and if you win, I’ll tell you where the bomb is. (puts the cards down and sticks out his hand) Deal? 


(hesitating) Deal. 

Monty and Xavier shake hands. Monty pulls out two Kings and a Queen. and places them face up on the table. 


(speaking in a 1940s news reporter voice) Alright, the game’s three card monte. All ya gotta do is find the lady! 


Seriously? 3 card monte? I’ve beaten dozens of street hustlers before, what makes you so any different? 


(begins shuffling the cards) The difference Detective is that I like to add a little bit of flare! (starts chuckling) I don’t expect you to do well, so how about we go best of 5? Does that sound fair?


(gritting her teeth)

Let’s just do this already. 


(stops shuffling) Alright, boss. Where’s the lady? 

Xavier points at the left card confidently, and Monty flips it, revealing it to be one of the Kings. 


(cont’d) Ohhhh, nice try, but don’t worry you still have four more chances.


(angry) What are you planning?! What’s the point of all this?! 


(teasing) No, no, no! You have to play by the rules. You have to Find the Queen!! 

Monty begins shuffling the cards again. 

MONTY (cont’d) (stops shuffling) Alright, sweetheart! Where’s the Queen?! 


(pointing at the center card) It’s that one. 

MONTY (flipping the card over) Good job! You found the hostage! Now let’s hope this Queen isn’t too much of a square and will let us keep playing! 

Monty starts a new game of three-card monte. 


(cont’d) (stops shuffling) Where is it? 

XAVIER She’s on the left. 

MONTY (flipping the left card) Nope! She’s landed on the center! You better hope you figure it out in time. 


Figure what out? 


The game dummy. 

Monty shuffles the cards yet again. 


She’s on the left. 


(speaking through his gritted teeth) No... She is in the Middle. (flips card over) 

Monty starts shuffling the cards again while staring menacingly at Xavier. 


(cont’d) (emotionless) Last chance. Where is the hostage? 


She’s on the right. 




The center? The Center. The Queen. Central Park. Central Park! (begins running away yelling) The bomb is in Central Park!! By the Queen’s statue!! 

Monty laughs to himself as Detective Xavier rushes out of the room. Monty then places the Queen card on the city map. The card marks where Queens’ Park and Central Landing meet.

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